Low-Power Multi-Threshold CMOS Circuits Optimization and CAD Tool Design

By Wenxin Wang, May 2004

Abstract: Over the last two decades, low-power design has become a concern in digital VLSI design, especially for portable and high performance systems. As technology scales into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime, standby subthreshold leakage power increases exponentially with the reduction of the threshold voltage. Therefore, effective leakage minimization techniques are becoming a necessity. Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) has emerged as an effective circuit-level technique that attains a high performance, while standby subthreshold leakage is minimized by cutting off the power of the inactive blocks by sleep transistors. This research presents several techniques to solve the leakage power problem in the form of Genetic Algorithms, Set-Covering and Set Partitioning. In addition, an automatic MTCMOS design environment is devised and integrated into the Canadian Microelectronics Corporation (CMC) digital ASIC design flow.