- Static/Dynamic Path Planning
Static/Dynamic Path Planning
Abstract: The field of robotics has attracted a great deal of attention in research
and industrial communities. Currently robots are used in manufacturing, medicine,
services, exploration and transportation to name just a few.
One of the challenges for such an intelligent robot is determining its fastest
and safest route to its destination. This is what is known as the path planning
problem. The path planning problem is an ordering problem, where a sequence of
configurations is sought, beginning at the initial location and ending at the
goal location. The robot searches for an optimal or near optimal path with
respect to the problem objectives, whose criteria include: distance, time, energy,
safety and smoothness.
- Reports:
- Initial Report (PDF)
- Interim Report (PDF)
- Final Report (PDF)
- Resources:
Tutorial on Path Planning
Path Planning over Occupancy Grid Map
Robot Path Integration in Manufacturing Processes:
Genetic Algorithm Versus Ant Colony Optimization (PDF Paper)
- Faculty advisor(s): Shawki Areibi
- Students: Basil Debowski, Jo Vanden Dool, Kyle Binkley
This page is maintained by Shawki Areibi, sareibi@uoguelph.ca
Last modified Feb. 2013