Current Refereed Conference Papers: 2014 - 2024
- U. F. Siddiqi, K.C. Cheng, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
Enhancing K-way Circuit Partitioning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Methodology
In International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications, Spain, July, 2024.
- U. F. Siddiqi, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
A Recursive Partitioning Approach to Improving Hypergraph Partitioning
In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August, 2024.
- T. Martin, D. Maarouf, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
A High-Performance Routing Engine for Large-Scale FPGAs
In International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Turin, Italy, Sept. 2024.
- C. Barnes, S. Vermeulen, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
An Adaptive Analytical FPGA Placement flow based on Reinforcement Learning
In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM2023), UAE, Dec, 2023.
- T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
FPGA Placement: Dynamic Decision Making via Machine Learning
In 36th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Brazil, Aug, 2023.
- T. Martin, Q. Li, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Deep-Learning Data-Driven Approach for Reducing FPGA Routing Runtimes
In International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT2023), Dec, 2023.
- U. Siddiqi, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Deterministic Parallel Routing Approach for Accelerating Pathfinder-based Algorithms
In VLSI SOC, UAE, Oct, 2023.
- T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
An Adaptive Sequential Decision making Flow for FPGAs using Machine Learning
In 34th International Conference on Microelectronics, Casablanca, Morocco, Dec. 2022.
- U. Siddiqi, T. Martin, S. Van Den Eijnden, A. Shamli, G. Grewal, S. Sait and S. Areibi
Faster FPGA Routing by Forecasting and Pre-Loading Congestion Information
In 4th ACM/IEEE Workshop on Macine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2022), Sept 12-13th 2022.
- T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
Integrating Machine-Learning Probes into the VTR FPGA Design Flow
35th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Minuano, Brazil, Aug. 2022.
(Best Track Paper Award)
- P. Esmaeili, T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
Guiding FPGA Detailed Placement via Reinforcement Learning
30th IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Patras, Greece, Oct. 2022.
- M. Fathi, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
Using Machine Learning to Predict Operating Frequency During Placement in FPGA Designs
In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2021), Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2021.
- T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
Simple Machine-Learning Models for Predicting Routability During FPGA Placement
Submitted to 3rd ACM/IEEE Workshop on Macine Learning for CAD (MLCAD) (RAW 2021), August 31st, 2021.
- T. Martin, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Timing Delays During FPGA Placement
In IEEE 28th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2021), May 17, 2021.
- A. Alhyari, A. Shamli, T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
An Adaptive Analytic FPGA Placement Framework based on Deep-Learning
In ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD, November 2020.
- D. Maarouf, A. Alhyari, A. Shamli, T. Martin, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Congestion during FPGA Placement
Accepted for publication in International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2020), Gothenburg, Sweden, 31st August - 4th September, 2020
- J. Foxcroft, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
Enhancing the Performance of FPGA Congestion Management via Supervised Learning
In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2019), Cairo, Egypt, December, 2019
- A. Alhyari, A. Shamli, Z. Abuowaimer, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Deep Learning Framework to Predict Routability for FPGA Circuit Placement
Accepted for publication In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2019), Barcelona, Spain, 9th September, 2019
- T. Martin, D. Maarouf, Z. Abouwaimer, A. Alhyari, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
A Flat Timing-Driven Placement Flow for Modern FPGAs
In Design Automation Conference (DAC 2019), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June, 2019
- A. Alhyari, Z. Abuowaimer, D. Maarouf, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
An Effective FPGA Placement Flow Selection Framework using Machine Learning
In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2018), Sousse, Tunis, December, 2018
(Best Paper Award)
- D. Maarouf, A. Alhyari, Z. Abuowaimer, T. Martins, A. Gunter, G. Grewal, S. Areibi, A. Vannelli
A Machine-Learning Congestion-Estimation Model for Modern FPGAs
in International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2018), Dublin, Ireland, 27th August, 2018
(Best Paper Award)
- G. Lacey, G. Taylor, S. Areibi
Stochastic Layer-Wise Precision in Deep Neural Networks
Accepted for publication in Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Monterey, California, USA, August 6-10, 2018
- D. Jamma, O. Ahmed, G. Grewal, and S. Areibi
'Hardware Accelerators for the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm using High Level Synthesis'
Accepted for publication in 29th International Conference on Microelectronics, Beirut, Lebanon, December 2017.
- G. Grewal, S. Areibi, M. Westrik, Z. Abuowaimer and B. Zhao
Automatic Flow Selection and Quality-of-Result Estimation for FPGA Placement
In 24th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 2017.
- G. Grewal, S. Areibi, M. Westrik, Z. Abuowaimer and B. Zhao
A Machine Learning Framework for FPGA CAD
Poster in ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey California, February 2017.
- D. Jamma, O. Ahmed, S. Areibi, G. Grewal and N. Molloy
Design Exploration of ASIP Architectures for the K-Nearest Neighbor Machine-Learning Algorithm
In IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Cairo Egypt, December 2016.
- R. Dicecco, G. Lacey, J. Vasiljevic, P. Chow, G. Taylor and S.Areibi
Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA Framework For Convolutional Neural Networks
In IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), Xi'an China, December 2016.
- R. Pattison, Z. Abuowaimer, S. Areibi, G. Grewal and A. Vannelli
Invited Paper: GPlace - A Congestion-aware Placement tool for UltraScale FPGAs
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design, Austin Texas, November 2016.
- A. Shamli, G. Taylor and S. Areibi
A Simple and Effective Semi-supervised Learning Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
In IEEE System and Technologies for Remote Sensing Applications Through Unmanned Aerial Systems Workshop, Rochester NY, pp:14-18, October 2016.
(Best Student Paper Award)
- B. Debowski, P. Spachos, S. Areibi
Q-Learning Enhanced Gradient Based Routing for Balancing Energy Consumption in WSNs
In 21st IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, October 2016.
- M. Elmahguibi, O. Ahmed, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
Efficient AlgorithmSelection for Packet Classification using Meta-Learning
In 21st IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, October 2016.
- R. Pattison, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
'Scalable Analytic Placement for FPGA on GPGPU'.
Accepted for publication in International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs,
Cancun, Mexico, pp: , December 2015.
- A. Al-Wattar, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
'Efficient mapping of Execution Units to Task Graphs using an Evolutionary Framework'.
International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART) 2015,
Boston, MA, USA, pp: , June 1-2 2015.
- L. Richards, L. Antonie, S. Areibi, G. Grewal, K. Inwood and J. Ross
'Comparing Classifiers in Historical Census Linkage'.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW) ,
Shenzhen, China, pp: 1086-1094, December 2014.

This page was last updated Jul. 2024