Links to Misc Journals
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Conferences and Journals Covering Computer Architecture & Formal Verification.
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Computer Architecture Journals:
Canadian ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
Canadian ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems.
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
International Journal of Computers and Their Applications.
Elsevier, Journal of Systems Architecture.
IEEE Transactions on Computers.
IEEE Computers.
FPGA/Embedded Systems Journals:
Kluwer, Design Automation for Embedded Systems.
Elsevier, Microprocessors and Microsystems.
Computer Aided Design Journals:
Elsevier, Computer-Aided Design.
IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
VLSI Design Journals:
Journal of Low Power, American Scientific Publishers.
Integration, The VLSI Journal.
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems.
Elsevier, Microelectronics Journal.
General Engineering Journals:
World Scientific Journals.
Optimization & Engineering:
Optimization and Engineering (OPTE).
Kluwer, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
Kluwer, Journal of Heuristics
Wiley, Communications
Parallel Processing Journals:
Elsevier, Parallel Computing.
Elsevier Journals:
Elsevier, Computer Science Journals.
This page is maintained by Shawki Areibi,
Last modified October 2018