Guelph University
School of Engineering
ENG2410: Digital Design

Related Links:

Transistors (BJT), How does it work?.
How Does a Transistor (MOS) Work?.
MOSFET Transistor Basics & Working Principle.
CMOS Logic Gates.
Building Logic Gates from MOSFET Transistors.

How a CPU Works.

RAM Explained - Random Access Memory.
What is Content Addressable Memory?.
Flash Memory.
What is Cache Memory.

Java Virtual Machine:
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Architecture - Tutorial.
The Java Virtual Machine and Compilers Explained.
Compilation vs. Interpretation.
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Introduction.

History of Computing:
The History of Intel Processors.

Control Units:
Hardwired Control vs. Micro Programmed Control.
Micro Programmed Control Unit Design.
Micro Programmed Control Unit Design.

Carry Look Ahead Adders:
Carry Look Ahead Adders.
Computer Architecture Educational tools.
Animation for Comp. Organizatino and Arch. By William Stalling, 8th Edition.

Hard Drives:
Hard Drives.
How a Hard Drive Works.

CPU Cache Explained.
Memory Hierarchy and Cache Memory.
CS6810 -- Lecture on Cache Hierarchies.
Associative Cache Memory.

Logical CPU and SMT.
Hyper Threading Explained.
CPU vs. GPU (what't the Difference?.
Nvidia GPU Architecture.
Computer Organization Ryerson.
Digilent Inc (Producer of NEXYS 3 Board).
Xilinx Corp.

Digital Design Courses:
Digital Design Waterloo.
Digilent Inc (Producer of NEXYS 3 Board).
Xilinx Corp.
Digital Logic Information.
Brown/Vranesic Site (books).
History of Computers.
EDA Playground.

This page is maintained by Shawki Areibi,
Last modified Sept. 2024