Guelph University
School of Engineering
ENG3050: Reconfigurable Computing Systems
RGBYUV Filter resources:
Lab #2, RGBYUV (Improving Performance Lab Handout)
image_aux.c (C Code for image read and write)
image_aux.h (Header File for image read and write)
yuv_filter.c (C Code for YUV Filter)
yuv_filter.h (Header File for YUV Filter)
yuv_filter.tcl (TCL File for YUV Filter Project)
yuv_filter_test.c (Test Bench for for YUV Filter)
Makefile (makefile for the RGBYUV project IMP --> make sure you save it a Makefile not Makefile.txt!!)
input.dat (make sure you save it as input.dat and not as input.dat.txt!!) (ALSO: store this file in a directory test_data)
output.dat (make sure you save it as output.dat and not as output.dat.txt!!) (ALSO: store this file in a directory called test_data)
output.golden.dat (make sure you save it as output.golden.dat and not output.golden.dat.txt!!) (ALOS: store this file in a directory called test_data)
This page is maintained by Shawki Areibi,
Last modified Sept. 2023