Guelph University
School of Engineering
ENG6530: Reconfigurable Computing Systems

Xilinx ISE:

Design Entry Using: Schematic Capture of Half Adder using Digilent NEXYS3 Board (By SOE)
Behaviour Simulation of Half Adder using Digilent NEXYS3 Board (By SOE)
Design Entry Using: Schematic Capture of Full Adder using Digilent NEXYS3 Board (By SOE)
Design Entry Using: VHDL of Full Adder usig Digilent NEXYS3 Board (By SOE)
Design Entry Based on VHDL + Schematic Capture using Digilent NEXYS3 Board (By SOE)
Tutorial on Modelling State Machines

This page is maintained by Shawki Areibi,
Last modified Sept. 2023