Complete Publication List

Complete Publication List 1993-2024

Abstracts of all published papers: 1993 - 2024 Summary of Abstracts

Book Chapters: (Published or In Press)

  1. A. Younes, A. Elkamel, S. Areibi
    Genetic Algorithms in Process Engineering: Developments and Implementation Issues
    Book Chapter in: Stochastic Global Optimization: Techniques and Applications in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2. 2010, pp:111-145.
  2. A. Younes, A. Elkamel, S. Areibi
    Meta-Heuristics: Evaluation and Reproting Techniques
    Book Chapter in: Advances in Process Systems Engineering: Stochastic Global Optimization, Volume 2, 2010, pp: 337-352.
  3. A. Younes, A. Elkamel, S. Areibi
    Genetic Algorithms in Chemical Engineering: A tutorial
    Book Chapter in: Chemical Engineering, 2008.
  4. A. Younes, S. Areibi, P. Calamai, O. Basir
    Adapting Genetic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Dynamic Environments
    Book Chapter in: Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms, ARS Publishing, Edited by: WiTold Kosinski, pp:207-230, ISBN978-953-7619-11-4, Sept. 2008.
  5. M. Moussa, S. Areibi and K. Nichols
    On the Arithmetic Precision for Implementing Back-Propagation Networks on FPGA: A Case Study
    Book Chapter in FPGA Implementations of Neural Networks, Springer, The Netherlands, pp: 37-61, 2006.
  6. S. Areibi,
    Effective Exploration and Exploitation of the Solution Space via Memetic Algorithms
    Book Chapter in Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms and Related Search Technologies, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp: 161-182, 2005.

Refereed Journal Papers: (Published or In Press)

  1. T. Martin, C. Barnes G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    'Integrating Machine-Learning Probes in FPGA CAD: Why and How?'
    IEEE Design & Test of Computers, June. 2023.
  2. A. Alhyari, H. Szentimrey, A. Shamli, T. Martin, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    'A Deep Learning Framework to Predict Routability for FPGA Circuit Placement'
    ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), Pages: 1-28, Volume 14, Issue 3, Articl 16, Sept. 2021.
  3. H. Szentimrey, A. Al-hyari, J. Foxcroft, T. Martin, D. Noel, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    'Machine Learning for Congestion Management and Routability Prediction within FPGA Placement'
    ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), Pages: 1-25, Volume 25, Issue 5, Article 37, Sept. 2020.
  4. A. Shamli, G. Taylor, S. Areibi
    'Multisource Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing using Deep Neural Networks'
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), Pages: 3328-3340, Volume 58, Issue 5, May 2020.
  5. A. Alhyari, H. Szentimrey, T. Martin, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    'Novel Congestion-estimation and Routability-prediction Methods based on Machine Learning for Modern FPGAs'
    ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), Pages: 1-25, Volume 12, Issue 3, Article 16, Sept. 2019.
  6. Z. Abuowaimer, D. Maarouf, T. Martin, J. Foxcroft, G. Grewal, S. Areibi and A. Vannelli
    'GPlace3.0: Routability-Driven Analytic Placer for UltraScale FPGA Architectures'
    ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), Pages: 1-33, Volume 23, Issue 5, Article 66, Sept. 2018.
  7. A. Al-Hyari, S. Areibi
    Design Space Exploration of Convolutional Neural Networks based on Evolutionary Algorithms
    Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems, Vol 3, No (1), October 2017.
  8. A. Elshamli, G. Taylor, A. Berg, S. Areibi
    Domain Adaptation Using Representation Learning for the Classification of Remote Sensing Images
    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume:10, Issue:9, pp:4198-4209, May 2017.
  9. A. Al-Wattar and S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    An Efficient Evolutionary Task Scheduling/Binding Framework for Reconfigurable Systems
    Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2016, Article ID 9012909, pp: 1 -24, March 2016.
  10. A. Al-Wattar and S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    An Efficient Framework for Floor-plan Prediction of Dynamic Runtime Reconfigurable Systems
    International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded systems (IJRES), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp: 99-121, July 2015.
  11. R. Collier, C. Fobel, R. Pattison, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    Advancing Genetic Algorithm Approaches to Field Programmable Gate Array Placement with Enhanced Recombination Operators
    Evolutionay Intelligence, Volume 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s12065-014-0114-6, pp: 183-200, October 2014.
  12. A. Savich and S. Areibi
    A Low-Power Scalable Stream Compute Accelerator for General Matrix Multiply (GEMM)
    VLSI Design, Volume 2014, Article ID 712085, pp: 1-11, February 2014.
  13. A. Elhossni, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    Architecture Exploration Based on GA-PSO Optimization, ANN Modeling, and Static Scheduling
    VLSI Design, Volume 2013, Article ID 624369, pp: 1-22, August 2013.
  14. O. Ahmed, S. Areibi, R. Collier and G. Grewal
    An Impulse-C Hardware Accelerator for Packet Classification based on Fine/Coarse Grain Optimization
    International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2013, Article ID 130765, pp:1-23, July 2013.
  15. O. Ahmed, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    Hardware Accelerators Targeting a Novel Group Based Packet Classification Algorithm
    International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2013, Article ID 681894, pp:1-33, Feb 2013.
  16. A. Savich, M. Moussa and S. Areibi
    A Scalable Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Computation of MLP-BP Neural Networks
    Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages: 138-150, March 2012.
  17. M.Walton, O. Ahmed, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    An Empirical Investigation on System/Statement Level Parallelism Strategies for Accerating Scatter Search using Handel-C and ImpulseC
    Journal of VLSI Design, Volume 12, No. 5, Pages: 1-11, January 2012.
  18. O. Ahmed, K. Chatta, S. Areibi and B. Kelly
    PCIU: Hardware Implementations of an Efficient Packet Classification Algorithm with an Incremental Update Capability
    International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2011, No. 4, Pages: 1-22, July 2011.
  19. M. Xu, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    StarPlace: A New Analytic Method for FPGA Placement
    Integration The VLSI Journal, Volume 44, Issue 3, Pages: 192-204, June 2011.
  20. A. Sghaier, S. Areibi, R. Dony
    Implementation Approaches Trade-offs for WiMax OFDM Functions on Reconfigurable Platforms
    ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Vol:3, No:3, Pages: 1-28, Sept 2010.
  21. A. Nour, Z. Yang, M. Anis, S. Areibi, A. Vannelli, I. Elmasrry
    A Power-Efficient Multi-Pin ILP Based Routing Methodology
    IEEE Transactions on CAS, Vol:57, No:1, pages:225-235, January 2010.
  22. A. Elhossini, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    Strength Pareto Particle Swarm Optimization and Hybrid EA-PSO for Multi Objective Optimization
    Evolutionary Computation Journal, Vol:18, No:1, pages:127-156, January 2010.
  23. M. Xu, G. Grewal, S. Areibi, C. Obimbo and D. Banerji
    Near Linear Wirelength Estimation for FPGA Placement
    Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume:34, Number:3, pages:125-132, Summer 2009.
  24. L. Rakai, L. Behjat, S. Areibi and T. Terlaky
    A Multi-level Congestion-Based Global Router
    Hindawi, VLSI Design, Volume: 2009, pages: 1- 13, Sept. 2009.
  25. S. Areibi, X. Bao, G. Grewal, D. Banerji and P. Du
    Meta-Heuristic Based Techniques for FPGA Placement: A Study
    International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp:13-33, March 2009.
  26. C. Freeman, R. Dony and S. Areibi
    A Comparison of Classification Techniques for Audio Environment Classification
    International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp: 1-27, June. 2007.
  27. S. Coe, S. Areibi, and M. Moussa
    A Hardware Memetic Accelerator for VLSI Circuit Partitioning
    International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 33, pp:233-248, May 2007.
  28. A. Yang, S. Areibi and A. Vannelli
    An ILP Based Hierarchical Global Routing Approach for VLSI ASIC Design
    Journal of Optimization Letters (Springer), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp: 281-297, June 2007.
  29. A. Savich, M. Moussa and S. Areibi
    The Impact of Arithmetic Representation on Implementing MLP-BP on FPGAs: A Study
    IEEE Transactions on Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp: 240-252, January 2007.
  30. W. Wang, S. Areibi, and M. Anis
    Modelling Leakage Power Reduction in VLSI as Optimization Problems
    Journal of Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 8, pp:129-162, May 2007.
  31. S. Areibi, G. Grewal, D. Banerji and P. Du
    Hierarchical FPGA Placement
    Canadian Journal on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp: 53-64, Winter 2007.
  32. S. Li, M. Moussa and S. Areibi
    Arithmetic Formats for Implementing Artificial Nerual Networks on FPGAs
    Canadian Journal on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 31, No.1 pp: 31-40, Winter 2006.
  33. S. Areibi, M. Moussa and G. Koonar
    A Genetic Algorithm Hardware Accelerator for VLSI Circuit Partitioning
    ISCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, pp: 163--180, Volume 12, No 3, Sept 2005.
  34. S. Areibi and Z. Yang,
    Effective Memetic Algorithms for VLSI Design = Genetic Algorithms + Local Search + Multi-Level Clustering
    Journal of Evolutionary Computations, Special Issue on "Memetic Evolutionary Algorithms", pp: 327-353, Vol. 12, No. 3, Fall 2004.
  35. D. Kucar, S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    Hypergraph Partitioning Techniques
    Special Issue of Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Journal, pp: 341-369, Vol. 11, Issue 2-3, Feb 2004.
  36. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    Tabu Search: Implementation \& Complexity Analysis for Netlist Partitioning
    ISCA International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, pp: 211-232, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2003.
  37. M. Anis, S. Areibi, M. Elmsary
    Design and Optimization of Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) Circuits
    IEEE Transaction on CAD, pp: 1324-1342, Vol. 22, No. 10, October 2003.
  38. S. Areibi, A. Vannelli,
    Tabu Search: A Meta Heuristic for Netlist Partitioning
    VLSI Design Journal, pp: 259-283, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2000.
  39. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    A GRASP Clustering Technique for Circuit Partitioning.
    Special Issue on Satisfiability Porblems and Applications, ed. D. Du and J. Gu
    DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., Vol. 35, pp. 711-724, 1997.
  40. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    Advanced Search Techniques for Hypergraph Partitioning Problem.
    Invited paper, Special Issue on Quadratic Assignment and Related Problems,
    ed. P.M. Pardalos and H. Wolowicz,
    DIMACS Series In Discrete Mathematics And Theoretical Computer Science, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I,Vol. 16, pp 77-96, 1995

Refereed Conference Papers:

  1. U. F. Siddiqi, K.C. Cheng, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    Enhancing K-way Circuit Partitioning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Methodology
    In International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications, Spain, July, 2024.
  2. U. F. Siddiqi, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    A Recursive Partitioning Approach to Improving Hypergraph Partitioning
    In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August, 2024.
  3. T. Martin, D. Maarouf, G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    A High-Performance Routing Engine for Large-Scale FPGAs
    In International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Turin, Italy, Sept. 2024.
  4. C. Barnes, S. Vermeulen, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    An Adaptive Analytical FPGA Placement flow based on Reinforcement Learning
    In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM2023), UAE, Dec, 2023.
  5. T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    FPGA Placement: Dynamic Decision Making via Machine Learning
    In 36th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Brazil, Aug, 2023.
  6. T. Martin, Q. Li, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Deep-Learning Data-Driven Approach for Reducing FPGA Routing Runtimes
    In International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT2023), Dec, 2023.
  7. U. Siddiqi, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Deterministic Parallel Routing Approach for Accelerating Pathfinder-based Algorithms
    In VLSI SOC, UAE, Oct, 2023.
  8. T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    An Adaptive Sequential Decision making Flow for FPGAs using Machine Learning
    In 34th International Conference on Microelectronics, Casablanca, Morocco, Dec. 2022.
  9. U. Siddiqi, T. Martin, S. Van Den Eijnden, A. Shamli, G. Grewal, S. Sait and S. Areibi
    Faster FPGA Routing by Forecasting and Pre-Loading Congestion Information
    In 4th ACM/IEEE Workshop on Macine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2022), Sept 12-13th 2022.
  10. T. Martin, C. Barnes, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    Integrating Machine-Learning Probes into the VTR FPGA Design Flow
    35th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Minuano, Brazil, Aug. 2022.
    (Best Track Paper Award)
  11. P. Esmaeili, T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
    Guiding FPGA Detailed Placement via Reinforcement Learning
    30th IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Patras, Greece, Oct. 2022.
  12. M. Fathi, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
    Using Machine Learning to Predict Operating Frequency During Placement in FPGA Designs
    In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2021), Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2021.
  13. T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
    Effective Machine-Learning Models for Predicting Routability During FPGA Placement
    In 3rd ACM/IEEE Workshop on Macine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2021), August 31st, 2021.
  14. T. Martin, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Timing Delays During FPGA Placement
    In IEEE 28th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2021), May 17, 2021.
  15. A. Alhyari, A. Shamli, T. Martin, S. Areibi, G. Grewal
    An Adaptive Analytic FPGA Placement Framework based on Deep-Learning
    In ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD, November 2020.
  16. D. Maarouf, A. Shamli, T. Martin, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Congestion during FPGA Placement
    In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2020), Gothenburg, Sweden, 31st August - 4th September, 2020
  17. J. Foxcroft, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    Enhancing the Performance of FPGA Congestion Management via Supervised Learning
    In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2019), Cairo, Egypt, December, 2019
  18. A. Alhyari, A. Shamli, Z. Abuowaimer, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Deep Learning Framework to Predict Routability for FPGA Circuit Placement
    In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2019), Barcelona, Spain, 9th September, 2019
    (Best Paper Award)
  19. T. Martin, D. Maarouf, Z. Abouwaimer, A. Alhyari, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    A Flat Timing-Driven Placement Flow for Modern FPGAs
    In Design Automation Conference (DAC 2019), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June, 2019
  20. A. Alhyari, Z. Abuowaimer, D. Maarouf, G. Grewal, S. Areibi
    An Effective FPGA Placement Flow Selection Framework using Machine Learning
    In International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2018), Sousse, Tunis, December, 2018
    (Best Paper Award)
  21. D. Maarouf, A. Alhyari, Z. Abuowaimer, T. Martins, A. Gunter, G. Grewal, S. Areibi, A. Vannelli
    A Machine-Learning Congestion Estimation Model for Modern FPGAs
    In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL 2018), Dublin, Ireland, 27th August, 2018
    (Best Paper Award)
  22. G. Lacey, G. Taylor, S. Areibi
    Stochastic Layer-Wise Precision in Deep Neural Networks
    In Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Monterey, California, USA, August 6-10, 2018
  23. D. Jamma, O. Ahmed, G. Grewal, and S. Areibi
    'Hardware Accelerators for the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm using High Level Synthesis'
    In 29th International Conference on Microelectronics, Beirut, Lebanon, December 2017.
  24. G. Grewal, S. Areibi, M. Westrik, Z. Abuowaimer and B. Zhao
    `Automatic Flow Selection and Quality-of-Result Estimation for FPGA Placement'
    In 24th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop , Orlando, Florida, USA, May 2017.
    (Best Paper Award)
  25. G. Grewal, S. Areibi, M. Westrik, Z. Abuowaimer and B. Zhao
    `A Machine Learning Framework for FPGA CAD'
    Poster in ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey California, February 2017.
  26. D. Jamma, O. Ahmed, S. Areibi, G. Grewal and N. Molloy
    `Design Exploration of ASIP Architectures for the K-Nearest Neighbor Machine-Learning Algorithm'
    In IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2016), Cairo Egypt, December 2016.
  27. R. Dicecco, G. Lacey, J. Vasiljevic, P. Chow, G. Taylor and S.Areibi
    `Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA Framework For Convolutional Neural Networks'
    In IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), Xi'an China, December 2016.
  28. R. Pattison, Z. Abuowaimer, S. Areibi, G. Grewal and A. Vannelli
    `Invited Paper: GPlace - A Congestion-aware Placement tool for UltraScale FPGAs'
    In IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design, Austin Texas, November 2016.
  29. A. Shamli, G. Taylor and S. Areibi
    A Simple and Effective Semi-supervised Learning Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
    In IEEE System and Technologies for Remote Sensing Applications Through Unmanned Aerial Systems Workshop, Rochester NY, pp:14-18, October 2016.
    (Best Student Paper Award)
  30. B. Debowski, P. Spachos, S. Areibi
    Q-Learning Enhanced Gradient Based Routing for Balancing Energy Consumption in WSNs
    In 21st IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Toronto Canada, pp:18-23, October 2016.
  31. M. Elmahguibi, O. Ahmed, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    Efficient AlgorithmSelection for Packet Classification using Meta-Learning
    In 21st IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, Toronto Canada, pp:24-30, October 2016.
  32. R. Pattison, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    'Scalable Analytic Placement for FPGA on GPGPU'.
    In International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp:1-6, December 2015.
  33. A. Al-Wattar, S. Areibi and G. Grewal
    'Efficient mapping of Execution Units to Task Graphs using an Evolutionary Framework'.
    In International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), Boston, MA, USA, pp: , June 2015.
  34. L. Richards, L. Antonie, S. Areibi, G. Grewal, K. Inwood and J. Ross
    'Comparing Classifiers in Historical Census Linkage'.
    IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW) , Shenzhen, China, pp: 1086-1094, December 2014.
  35. O. Ahmed, and S. Areibi
    'An Efficient Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processor for Packet Classification'.
    IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp: 1-6, December 2013.
  36. A. Mahmoud and R. Dony and and S. Areibi
    'An Adaptive Encryption Based Genetic Algorithm for Medical Images'.
    IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Southhampton, UK, Sept. 2013.
  37. B. Debowski and S. Areibi and G. Grewal and J. Tempelman
    'A Dynamic Sampling Framework for Multi-Class Imbalanced Data'.
    International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2012), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp: 113-118, December 2012.
  38. S. Sheikh-Nia and G. Grewal and S. Areibi
    'A Sequential Ensemble Classification (SEC) System for Tackling the Problem of Unbalnce Learning: A Case Study'.
    International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2012), Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp: 72-77, December 2012.
  39. A. Al-wattar and S. Areibi and F. Saffih
    'Efficient On-line Hardware/Software Task Scheduling for Dynamic Run-time Reconfigurable Systems'.
    Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2012), Shanghai, China, pp: 401-406, May 2012.
  40. E. Elhossini and S. Areibi and R. Dony
    'A Methodology for Modeling Embedded Processors for Architecture Exploration'.
    IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2011), Hammamet, Tunis, pp: 1-6, December 2011.
  41. O. Ahmed, and S. Areibi
    'GBSA: A Group Based Search Algorithm for Packet Classification'.
    IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Analysis and Classification TRAC 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp: 1789-1794, July 2011.
  42. O. Ahmed, K. Chattha and S. Areibi
    'A Hardware/Software Co-design Architecture for Packet Classification'.
    IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2010), Cairo, Egypt, pp: 96-99, December 2010.
  43. E. Elhossini and S. Areibi and J. Huissman and R. Dony
    'An Efficient Scheduling Methodology for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processor Systems'.
    IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2010), Cairo, Egypt, pp: 475-478, December 2010.
  44. O. Ahmed, S. Areibi and D. Fayek
    'PCIU: An Efficient Packet Classification Algorithm with an Incremental Update Capabiltiy'.
    SPECTS 2010 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication systems, Ottawa, Canada, pp: 81-88, July 2010.
  45. E. Armstrong, G. Grewal, S. Areibi and G. Darlington
    'An Investigation of Parallel Memetic Algorithms for VLSI Circuit Partitioning on Multi-Core Computers'.
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'10, Calgary, Canada, pp:1-6, May 2010.
  46. M. Ghazali, S. Areibi, G. Grewal, A. Erb, J. Spenceley
    'A Comparison of Hardware Acceleration Methods for VLSI Maze Routing'.
    Symposium on Electronic Design Automation, Toronto, Canada, pp: 563-568, May 2009.
  47. M. Ghazali, A. Elhossini, S. Areibi
    'HW/SW Co-Design Architecture Exploration for VLSI Maze Routing'.
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'09, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, pp: 1188-1193, May 2009.
  48. M. Xu, G. Grewal, S. Areibi, C. Obimbo and D. Banerji
    'Near-Linear Wirelength Estimation for FPGA Placement'.
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'09, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, pp: 1198-1203, May 2009.
  49. A. Elhossini, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    Strength Pareto Particle Swarm Optimization.
    The Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO'09, Sharjah, UAE, January 2009.
  50. A. Younes, S. Areibi and P. Calamai
    A Hybridized Evolutionary Algorithm For Dynamic Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
    The Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO'09, Sharjah, UAE, January 2009.
  51. K. Shaban, A. Younes, S. Areibi, M. Boos and F. Kuyvenhoven
    A Comparison of Meta-Heuristics for Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
    The Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO'09, Sharjah, UAE, January 2009.
  52. A. Younes, A. Elkamel, S. Areibi and A. Lohi
    Evolutionary Algorithms: What, When and How.
    The Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO'09, Sharjah, UAE, January 2009.
  53. A. Sghaier, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    IEEE802.16-2004 OFDM Functions Implementation on FPGAs with Design Exploration.
    The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Germany, Sep 2008.
  54. A. Elhossini and S. Areibi and R. Dony
    An Architecture Exploration Framework for DSP Applications.
    The Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Niagra Falls, Canada, May 2008.
  55. A. Sghaier and S. Areibi and Robert Dony
    A Pipelined Implementation of OFDM Transmission on Reconfigurable Platforms.
    The Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Niagra Falls, Canada, May 2008.
  56. D. Hermann and R. Dony and S. Areibi
    Oversampled Filter Bank Evaulation for Joint Subband Audio Processing and Coding.
    The Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Niagra Falls, Canada, May 2008.
  57. D. Hermann, R. Dony and S. Areibi
    Window Based Prototype Filter Design for Highly Oversampled Filter Banks in Audio Appliations.
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'07, Honolulu, USA, pp:405-408, April 2007.
  58. C. Freeman, R. Dony and S. Areibi
    Audio Environment Classification for Hearing Aids using ANNs with Windowed Input.
    First IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing CIISP'07, Honolulu, USA, pp:183-188, April 2007.
  59. Z. Yang, S. Areibi and A. Vannelli
    A Comparison of ILP based Global Routing Models for VLSI ASIC Design.
    Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems MWSCAS'07, Montreal, Canada, pp:1141-1144, August 2007.
  60. A. Younes and S. Areibi and P. Calamai
    An Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
    Second International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO'07, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2007.
  61. A. Elhossini, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    An FPGA Implementation of the LMS Adaptive Filter for Audio Processing.
    IEEE International Conference on Reconfiguable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig'06, Puebla, Mexico, pp: 168-175, June 2006
  62. X. Li, S. Areibi and R. Dony
    Parallel Processing on FPGAs: The Effect of Profiling on Performance
    IEEE International Workshop on System on a Chip, IWSOC'06, Cairo, Egypt, pp:179-184, Dec 2006
  63. F. Li and S. Areibi
    A Hardware/Software Co-Design Approach for VLSI Circuit Partitioning.
    IEEE International Workshop on System on a Chip, IWSOC'06, Cairo, Egypt, pp: 81-85, Dec 2006
  64. V. Pandya, S. Areibi and M. Moussa
    A Handel-C Implementation of the Back-Propagation Algorithm On Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
    International Conference on Reconfiguable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig'05 Puebla, Mexico, pp:14-21, Sep 2005
  65. D. Asmar, A. Elshamli and S. Areibi
    A Compartive Assessment of ACO Algorithms Within a TSP Environment
    DCDIS 2005, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, pp: 462-467, Jul 2005
  66. P. Ghafari, E. Mirhad, M. Anis, S. Areibi and M. Elmasry
    A Low-Power Partitioning Methodology by Maximizing Sleep Time and Minimizing Cut Nets
    IWSOC 2005, Banf, Alberta, Canada, pp: 368-371, Jul 2005
  67. S. Coe, S. Areibi and M. Moussa
    A Genetic Local Search Hybrid Architecture for VLSI Circuit Partitioning
    16th International Conference on Microelectronics, Tunis, Tunisia, pp: 129-132, Dec 2004
  68. X. Li and S. Areibi
    A Hardware/Software Co-design Approach for Face Recognition
    16th International Conference on Microelectronics, Tunis, Tunisia, pp: 67-70, Dec 2004
  69. W. Wang, M. Anis, and S. Areibi
    Fast Techniques for Standby Leakage Reduction in MTCMOS Circuits
    System On Chip Conference, SOC04, Santa Clara, pp: 21-24, Sep 2004
  70. P. Du, G. Grewal, S. Areibi and D. Banerji
    A Fast Hierarchical Approach to FPGA Placement
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Systems & Applications (ESA'04), Las Vegas Nevada, USA, pp: 497-503, June 2004
  71. P. Du, G. Grewal, S. Areibi and D. Banerji
    A Fast Adaptive Heuristic for FPGA Placement
    The 2nd Annual IEEE Northwest Workshop on Circuits and Systems, Montreal Canada, pp: 373-376, June 2004
  72. G. Lu and S. Areibi
    An Island Based GA Implementation for VLSI Standard Cell Placement
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO-2004), Seattle Washington, USA, pp: 1138-1150, June 2004
  73. S. Areibi and Z. Yang
    Congestion Driven Placement
    15th International conference in Microelectronics, Cairo, Egypt, pp: 304-307, Dec 2003
  74. H. Homayounfar, S. Areibi and F. Wang
    An Advanced Island Based GA For Optimization Problems
    DCDIS Conference Guelph, Ontario, Canada, pp: 46-51, May 2003
  75. G. Koonar, S. Areibi, M. Moussa
    Hardware Implementation Of Genetic Algorithms for VLSI CAD Design
    CAINE, San Diego California, pp: 197-200, Nov 2002
  76. K. Nichols, M. Moussa, S. Areibi
    Feasibility of Floating-Point Arithmetic in FPGA based Artificial Neural Networks
    CAINE, San Diego California, pp: 8-13, Nov 2002
  77. H. Homayounfar, F. Wang, S. Areibi
    Advanced P2P Architecture Using Autonomous Agents
    CAINE, San Diego California, pp: 115-118, Nov 2002
  78. Z. Yang S. Areibi
    Global Placement for VLSI Standard Cell Design
    CAINE, San Diego California, pp: 243-247, Nov 2002
  79. H. Ghenniwa and S. Areibi,
    Agent-Orientation for Evolutionary Computation
    ECOMS Workshop in New York, pp: 57-65, July 2002
  80. A. Younes and H. Ghenniwa and S. Areibi,
    An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    GECCO, New York, pp: 1241-1249, July 2002.
  81. M. Anis, S. Areibi, M. Mahmoud, M. Elmasry
    Dynamic and Leakage Power Reduction in MTCMOS Circuits Using an Automated Efficient Gate Clustering Technique
    IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC02), New Orelans, pp: 480-486, June 2002
  82. S. Areibi,
    Recursive and Flat Partitioning for VLSI Circuit Design
    The 13th International Conference on Microelectronics
    Rabat, Morocco, pp: 237-240, October 2001.
  83. S. Areibi,
    A First Course in Digital Design Using VHDL and Programmable Logic
    Frontiers in Education (FIE 2001),
    Reno, Nevada, October 2001.
  84. S. Areibi, M. Thompson, A. Vannelli
    A Clustering Utility Based Approach for ASIC Design
    14th Annual IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference
    Washington, DC, pp: 248-252, September 2001.
  85. S. Areibi
    Iterative Improvement Heuristics for the Standard Cell Placement: A Comparison
    The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics , Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001)
    Orlando, Florida, pp: 89-94, July 2001.
  86. F. Yuan, S. Areibi
    Area and Power Minimization of CMOS Combinational Circuits Using a Modified Simulated Annealing Technique
    The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics , Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001)
    Orlando, Florida, pp: 40-45, July 2001.
  87. S. Areibi
    Memetic Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design: Implementation Issues
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO'01,
    San Fransisco, California, pp: 140-145, July 2001.
  88. S. Areibi and M. Thompson and A. Vannelli,
    A Utility-Based Iterative Improvement Heuristic for Standard Cell Placement
    First International Conference on Engineering and Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA2001),
    Las Vegas, Nevada, pp: 1470-1476, June 2001.
  89. S. Areibi, M. Moussa, H. Abdullah,
    A Comparison of Genetic/Memetic Algorithms and Heuristic Searching
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IC-AI 2001,
    Las Vegas, Nevada, pp: 660-666, June 2001.
  90. S. Areibi and M. Thompson,
    A New Model for Macrocell Partitioning
    16 International Conference On Computers and Their Applications,
    Seattle, Washington, pp: 161-165, April 2001.
  91. S. Areibi and J. Zelek,
    A Smart Reconfigurable Visual System for the Blind
    Tunisian-German Conference on :Smart Systems and Devices,
    Hamamat, Tunis, pp: 628-633, March 2001.
  92. S. Areibi,
    An Integrated Genetic Algorithm With Dynamic Hill Climbining for VLSI Circuit Partitioning
    IEEE Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO),
    Las Vegas, Nevada, pp: 97-102, July 2000.
  93. S. Areibi,
    Efficient Hybrid Search Techniques For Circuit Partitioning.
    IEEE 4th World Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers,
    Athens, Greece, July 2000.
  94. H. Tawil, S. Areibi, A. Vannelli,
    Attractor-Repeller Approach for Global Placement
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD),
    San Jose California, pp: 20-24, November 1999
  95. S. Areibi,
    The Effect of Clustering and Local Search on Genetic Algorithms
    Recent Advances In Soft Computing,
    Leicester, UK, pp: 172-177, July 1999
  96. S. Areibi,
    An Adaptive Tabu Search Approach For Circuit Partitioning.
    ISCA 11th International Conference On Computer Applications In Industry and Engineering,
    Las Vegas, Nevada, pp: 179-182, November 1998
  97. S. Areibi,
    A Combined Tabu Search Column Generation Technique for Vehicle Scheduling.
    The Seventh International Special Conference on IFORS,
    Gothenburg, Sweden, pp: 48-52, June 1997
  98. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    An Efficient Clustering Technique for Circuit Partitioning.
    IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems,
    San Diego, California, pp: 671-674, July 1996
  99. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    An Efficient Solution To Circuit Partitioning Using Tabu Search And Genetic Algorithms.
    In 6th International Conference of Micro Electronics,
    Istanbul, Turkey, pp: 70-74, February 1994.
  100. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    A Combined Eigenvector Tabu Search Approach For Circuit Partitioning.
    Proceedings Of The 1993 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference,
    San Diego, pp: 9.7.1-9.7.4 April 1993
  101. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli,
    Circuit Partitioning Using a Tabu Search Approach.
    IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems,
    Chicago, Illinois, pp: 1643-1646, March 1993

Conference Papers (Submitted and Under Review)

Posters and Other Contributions (Conference Papers with an Abstract Review):

  1. L. Richards, L. Antonie, S.Areibi and G. Grewal
    Using HPC to Evaluate different Classification Techniques for Record-Linkage in Digital Humanities
    Sharcnet Research Day,
    Guelph, Canada, May 2012 (Oral Presentation).
  2. S. Sheikh Nia, B. Debowski, S.Areibi and G. Grewal
    Investigation of Standalone Classifiers for the Prediction of Hospitalization Duration
    Sharcnet Research Day,
    Guelph, Canada, May 2012 (Poster).
  3. A. Shamli, H. Abdullah and S. Areibi
    Genetic Algorithms for Dynamic Path Planning
    Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2004),
    Niagra Falls, Canada, pp: 677-680, May 2004.
  4. X. Bao and S. Areibi
    Constructive and Local Search Heuristic Techniques for FPGA Placement
    Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2004),
    Niagra Falls, Canada, pp: 505-508, May 2004.
  5. H. Sun and S. Areibi
    Global Routing for VLSI Standard Cells
    Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2004),
    Niagra Falls, Canada, pp: 485-488, May 2004.
  6. Z. Yang and S. Areibi
    A Comparison of Several Constructive Techniques for VLSI Circuit Placement
    2nd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 02),
    Hamilton, Canada, Aug 2002.
  7. H. Homayounfar, S. Areibi, F. Wang
    An Island Based Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization Problems
    2nd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 02),
    Hamilton, Canada, Aug 2002.
  8. K. Nichols, M. Moussa and S. Areibi
    A Reconfigurable Architecture for Neural Networks
    Workshop on Reconfigurable Manufacturing,
    Hamilton, Canada, Oct 2001.
  9. S. Areibi, M. Xie, A. Vannelli
    An Efficient Rectilinear Steiner Tree Algorithm for VLSI Global Routing
    Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2001),
    Toronto, Canada, May 2001.
  10. S. Areibi,
    Simple Yet Effective Techniques to Improve Flat Multiway Circuit Partitioning
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Nova Scotia, Canada, May 2000.
  11. S. Areibi,
    GRASP: An Effective Constructive Technique For VLSI Circuit Partitioning
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. May 1999
  12. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli ,
    Distributed Advanced Search Techniques for Circuit Partitioning.
    IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Waterloo, Ont, Canada, May 1998.
  13. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli ,
    A Unified Partitioning and Placement Approach based on Tabu Search Algorithm.
    15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 1994.
  14. S. Areibi and A. Vannelli ,
    A Hybrid GA and Tabu Search Method for VLSI Circuit Layout.
    TIMS XX-XII Conference
    Anchorage, Alaska, June 1994.


  1. S. Areibi ,
    Towards Optimal Circuit Layout Using Advanced Search Techniques
    Phd Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1995.

Technical Reports:

  1. L. StOnge, S. Areibi ,
    A First look at VHDL For Digital Design.
    Technical Report, University of Guelph, 2001.
  2. S. Areibi ,
    VHDL For Digital Design.
    Technical Report, University of Guelph, 2000.
  3. S. Areibi ,
    Overview of VLSI Circuit Partitioning.
    Technical Report, University of Guelph, 2000.

This page was last updated July. 2024.